Alison Kahn

Alison trained to be a documentary filmmaker, museum curator and anthropologist at Goldsmiths College, University of London and the University of Oxford (M.Phil, D.Phil). She has worked as a producer and director for several broadcast channels including Discovery Channel with her own commissioned series.

As a specialist in visual and material anthropology and ethnographic films made by women. She is interested in the use of  multimedia as a tool for research and promotes a cross-cultural understanding of visual culture. She uses museum curatorial methodologies to create pathways through collections in multimedia ebooks.

She digitized 16mm film footage from the Pitt Rivers Museum in a project called Captured by Women: connecting the objects of the Pitt Rivers Museum to its film archives. The documentary produced as part of this project, funded by the National Digital Archive Fund and Screen South, is available on the Pitt Rivers websiteUrsula Graham Bower- Pathways through her archive is a two-volumed ebook curated to present Bower’s life-story, films, photographs and object collections as an exhibition in a book. (available on i-tunes).

Alison is currently working on an AHRC-funded Interactive/Multimedia Ebook project at the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama at the University of Oxford and an AHRC-funded Earth in Vision project with the Open University.

Posted January 27, 2016 in: by yiotademetriou

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